Radeya Global

Do you know the two type of job seekers?

Do you know the two type of job seekers? Which one are you? There are two types of job seekers that are most common. In fact, most job seekers fall into one of these two types. The one type is the casual job seeker. S/he’s laid back and relaxed, without...

You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember

You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember. You know you can get better but just don’t know how. Every job search attempt turns into a frustrated failure. Heck, you don’t even know what job to apply to. How is this affecting your life?...

6 Easy Ways To Overcome The Gap On Your Resumé

How to resume your job search after a gap on your resumé  You have been out of work for some time and have a gap on your resumé. It probably seems like the Mariana Trench to you, massive, impossible to cross, impossible to hide. Employers look at this gap with...

The two paths to job search

There are two paths to job search . Knowing them will help you with your job hunting strategy and become more successful in your job hunt. Path 1 is the resumé method. In this one, the resumé/CV serves as the most important item and needs to be excellent to get...


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