Radeya Global

How to plan your career as a fresh graduate

The time near graduation is an exciting one. You've made a major accomplishment completing school and graduating. The doors to a satisfying career are in front of you. You are finally ready for the real world.  To make the best of this important time and prepare for a lifetime of...

Job Search Tips for Mid-Life Career Change

Mid-life career change is an important phase. Many people go through it. It is also a challenging and stressful experience. There are several ways you may find yourself looking for a new job in your mid-life. Some people work at a job for years and then suddenly get laid off,...

How a Slow and Steady Approach Can Help You Get A Job Opportunity Faster

Technology has made it easy to send information fast. Copying and pasting data from one job application to the next without thinking makes it possible to send hundreds of job applications in a day. And with one click apply systems such as those offered by various recruitment and professional websites,...

Interview Taking Tips for Job Seekers

Going for a job interview? Then it's vital to be able to describe your work. Many people enter job interviews without having a clear idea on what they are going to say. When asked open ended questions, they get stuck or start talking incoherently. A common interview questions is “tell...

Ways to Make Your CV Stand Out

A winning resume employs the following elements:1. A powerful summary statement showing your unique skills that make you a better candidate for the job than others.2. Relevant work experience that shows you are the right person for the job.3. People and technical skills required for the job.4. Past achievements (qualitative...

The Real Role of the Resume (And How You Can Use Yours to Stand Out from the Crowd)

Recently there have been talks about resumes being an outdated job search tool. Indeed, the resume’s role has become that of filling a formality only. During the hiring process, recruiters don’t go through the whole document and instead just scan resumes superficially. Studies show that recruiters and hiring managers look...


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