Radeya Global

How to Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Career

LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking platform. You can meet all sort of professionals on LinkedIn: recruiters and headhunters, business owners (potential employers), experienced professionals, industry leaders, job seekers, you name it. LinkedIn is a great place to advance your career and increase your chances of getting your dream...

3 leadership skills you need for greater success

Business leaders need to be good at a number of different skills, leadership skills being one of them. In fact leadership skills may be the most important. “Leadership skills are essential because they enable individuals to motivate, inspire, and guide others toward achieving a common goal,” says the European Business...

Business Owners, Here is Why You Need a Mentor / Business Coach

What is a mentor?Best selling author and former Apple executive Darren Finkelstein describes mentors and business coaches as “a professional having inside knowledge and experience of your respective industry and market. They have the skills and understanding to help you evaluate the present situation of your business.”Mentors have been there,...

Increasing Business Sales Through Email Marketing

One of a business’s greatest assets that can have a massive effect on business profits is an email list. Email marketing enables you to continuously reach potential customers and form a relationship with them. For this reason it’s vital to create an email marketing strategy early on in your business,...

Time Management Tips for Busy Startup Business Owners

Like most startup business owners, you likely handle a lot of business tasks yourself. Most startups are not financially or operationally at the stage to hire a team of workers. The slow and irregular sales and revenue stream don’t require a full time team. To ensure optimal growth, it’s important...

Technology Concerns of Small Business

Technology’s impact on business is increasing day by day. With bots, robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, more functions are becoming automated. And where humans are required in the business process, more and more advanced technology systems are common. Effects of technology on business include: * Streamlining business processes, *...

CEO Skills You Need to Effectively Run Your Business

Most business owners / entrepreneurs start their businesses as experts in some field. That is, they are a technical or product expert with a product or service that they offer to the public and thus the business is born.**But this does not mean these business owners have the skills essential...

3 Business Strategies for Startup Businesses to Overcome a Business Downturn

Struggling in your business? You’re not alone. Inexperienced new business owners take actions that hurt the startup instead of helping it grow.Business needs to grow strategically. Two things that actually hurt a business are too little funds and too much funds. Unfortunately, many startup owners are not only struggling with...


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