Radeya Global

It’s not your fault you are unprepared for the job market

Struggling in job search? It’s not your fault. In fact, the school system doesn’t prepare you for the work world. It’s a well known fact that a degree doesn’t guarantee employment. 43% of college graduates are underemployed in their first job and most continue to remain underemployed for many more...

Would you like to have a career you love?

Are you confused about your career? What is the right job for you? What career line you should choose. Unfortunately college doesn’t fully prepare you for this. Which is why most people enter the work world unprepared. Most people take the first job that comes their way. And go on...

You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember

You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember. You know you can get better but just don’t know how. Every job search attempt turns into a frustrated failure. Heck, you don’t even know what job to apply to. How is this affecting your life?...

Over qualified? Here’s what you need to know…

  Have you been told you are over qualified and are baffled, wondering what it means? Is this the end of your career?  Are you wondering what you should do in this situation, especially if you have been told this multiple times? You don’t need to be frustrated in silence,...

The two paths to job search

There are two paths to job search . Knowing them will help you with your job hunting strategy and become more successful in your job hunt. Path 1 is the resumé method. In this one, the resumé/CV serves as the most important item and needs to be excellent to get...


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