Radeya Global

Accounting for Small Business – The Key to Small Business Growth & Profitability

New book from Radeya Global Founder Kokab Rahman: Accounting for Small Business  - The Key to Small Business Growth & Profitability Small businesses make up more than 90% of businesses globally. Studies show small businesses are the number one source of new jobs. Globally over 300 million new businesses are...

7 Skills To Learn To Make Money Online

Making money online is the hottest new thing. With the easy accessibility of the internet and advancement of e-commerce platforms, online businesses offer great opportunities, even “get rich quick” possibilities. However, to be successful, one needs to master the “tools” of online money-making. Indeed, making money online is faster and...

Tips to Make your Drop Shipping Business a Success

For eCommerce businesses, Black Friday is regarded as the biggest shopping event of the year (Dropship Academy). Statistics show that during the 2021 Black Friday, businesses made an estimated $30 to $40 billion in sales (Zippia). For both new and already established businesses, this is a great time to make big profits. It...

3 Business Strategies for Startup Businesses to Overcome a Business Downturn

Struggling in your business? You’re not alone. Inexperienced new business owners take actions that hurt the startup instead of helping it grow.Business needs to grow strategically. Two things that actually hurt a business are too little funds and too much funds. Unfortunately, many startup owners are not only struggling with...

9 Skills To Learn To Make Money Online

Everyone is talking about making money online but not everyone is equally successful at it. Here are 9 skills that can help you get a head start in the e-commerce world. Email automation - so you can automatically send information about your business or products and services to people who...

Cash Flow Vs. Revenue: Why You Need to Know the Difference if You Want Your Business to do Well

Is your business profitable? Are expenses from different product lines lower or higher than the revenue generated by that product? Are profits growing or declining?For a small business owner, it’s important to think over these type of questions if you want a clear idea of where your business is going.Many...

Why you need a PR strategy for your business

Whether you are a self-employed freelancer or a startup founder, a PR strategy is vital to your personal branding.PR refers to conveying information in order to affect public perception about your business or personal brand. It includes media mentions (press releases, radio and TV appearances, and features and interviews in...

What AI Means for Small Business

There is no denying it. AI is becoming a big part of our lives. Small and big businesses are using artificial intelligence. Companies are spending billions upgrading technology and integrating AI, and according to a PwC report, every industry will be impacted dramatically by Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the next...

Top 5 Site Elements an eCommerce Store Needs to Sell More

Any online retail store owner wants their business to thrive. This is exactly the reason behind the choices made in favor of implementing new modern technology on website, never-ending optimization works, UI/UX experiments, as well as moves toward building a progressive web application that can raise mobile conversion rates. To...

How to start your own successful Shopify drop shipping business

What is a drop shipping business? In a drop shipping business, you don’t own inventory nor do the shipping. The supplying company does that for you. How this works: Customer places order on your website. You take the customer information and place an order on the supplier website (or use...


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