Radeya Global

Chat GPT On the Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Employment

We asked Chat GPT how artificial intelligence might affect employment. Here is what it said: Artificial intelligence has the potential to automate many tasks currently performed by humans, including those in minimum wage work sectors like retail, food service, and customer service. While this could lead to job displacement in...

How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Benefit Your Career

There are constant advances in technology and artificial intelligence. AI is becoming a part of everyday life. Artificial intelligence enables technology and machines to think and work independently and without instruction, similar to a human does. This includes processing large amounts of data; recognize patterns; make judgments, analysis and decisions;...

Ensuring Job Security In The Fast Changing Employment World

Radeya Global White PaperEnsuring Job Security In The Fast Changing Employment WorldWritten by Kokab Rahman In this article Kokab Rahman discusses the effects of AI on the future of employment.  Click here to download the white paper Background Technology is affecting the employment world. And it is having a tremendous...

How to Protect Your Career Future In the Face of Recent Advances in AI

Have you heard of recent advances in artificial intelligence? Chat GPT and similar technology systems are impacting the employment environment and making some jobs obsolete. According to various sources, 50% to 80% of jobs are at risk. This includes not only manual and repetitive task jobs but also tasks that...

What AI Means for Small Business

There is no denying it. AI is becoming a big part of our lives. Small and big businesses are using artificial intelligence. Companies are spending billions upgrading technology and integrating AI, and according to a PwC report, every industry will be impacted dramatically by Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the next...

What to Do If Artificial Intelligence is Taking Over Your Job

Are you at risk of artificial intelligence taking over your job? Artificial intelligence, bots, robotics, they seem to be everywhere. Indeed, many jobs are being threatened by AI. From delivery workers, to virtual assistants and customer service representatives, to cashiers and clerical workers, financial advisers, and more, AI is replacing...


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