Radeya Global

Ensuring Job Security In The Fast Changing Employment World

Radeya Global White PaperEnsuring Job Security In The Fast Changing Employment WorldWritten by Kokab Rahman In this article Kokab Rahman discusses the effects of AI on the future of employment.  Click here to download the white paper Background Technology is affecting the employment world. And it is having a tremendous...

Why it’s important to have a positive mindset

Mindset is everything.   Mindset affects how you do anything, how you approach obstacles, and how you deal with positive and negative situations.   It’s important to have a positive mindset. When you have a positive mindset, you’re able to identify opportunities and solutions. In addition, you are likely to...

How to Protect Your Career Future In the Face of Recent Advances in AI

Have you heard of recent advances in artificial intelligence? Chat GPT and similar technology systems are impacting the employment environment and making some jobs obsolete. According to various sources, 50% to 80% of jobs are at risk. This includes not only manual and repetitive task jobs but also tasks that...

Business Owners, Here is Why You Need a Mentor / Business Coach

What is a mentor?Best selling author and former Apple executive Darren Finkelstein describes mentors and business coaches as “a professional having inside knowledge and experience of your respective industry and market. They have the skills and understanding to help you evaluate the present situation of your business.”Mentors have been there,...

Eco-anxiety can impact employee wellbeing and productivity: this is what employers can do about it

London, 27th October: A research paper from Imperial College London, Affinity Health, and burnout prevention consultancy, Softer Success® has revealed how eco-anxiety contributes to poor mental health and burnout at work, impacting employee wellbeing and productivity. The research paper outlines the workplace risks of eco-anxiety, as well what employers can...

3 Business Strategies for Startup Businesses to Overcome a Business Downturn

Struggling in your business? You’re not alone. Inexperienced new business owners take actions that hurt the startup instead of helping it grow.Business needs to grow strategically. Two things that actually hurt a business are too little funds and too much funds. Unfortunately, many startup owners are not only struggling with...

How to work multiple jobs legally

Following the pandemic, the global work environment greatly changed. Many people resigned from work and many others chose to permanently work from home. As job opportunities opened due to the talent vacuum created by the great resignation, some people started taking up multiple full time jobs, working for more than...

Budgets – why you need them and different types of budgets

Most people run a business like someone moving around in the dark. They neither look at and analyze past business records, nor plan for the future. The result is an inefficient business that rarely progresses into anything meaningful. So what can you do? Using a budget makes a big difference...


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