Do you know the two type of job seekers?

Do you know the two type of job seekers? Which one are you? There are two types of job seekers that are most common. In fact, most job seekers fall into one of these two types. The one type is the casual job seeker. S/he’s laid back and relaxed, without...

Are you looking for a job or a career?

Confused about the two? Many people are. But this should clear the air. ⁣⁣A job is short term. It’s main goal is to pay the bills. A career is lifelong.⁣ It’s result is long term job and financial security.   When you have a career, you are not dependent on...

Have this skill and watch your career grow

What is the most important skill for employees? Self motivation and taking responsibility The ability and drive to identify areas for improvement in your job or organization and taking the initiative to make it happen. No manager wants to micromanage or tell you how to do your job. They might...

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words, So Is Your Portfolio

A well-designed portfolio makes your job application stand out, giving you the edge you need over other job seekers to get an interview. A portfolio shows your abilities and expertise in picture form. A picture is worth a thousand words and you can say more with your portfolio than any other document....

You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember

You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember. You know you can get better but just don’t know how. Every job search attempt turns into a frustrated failure. Heck, you don’t even know what job to apply to. How is this affecting your life?...

The real reason you cannot find suitable work

Having trouble in your job search? Most of the time it has to do with an inefficient profile, the inability to articulate one’s skills correctly. If this is the case with you, you know you have skills but are not getting the right jobs, we can help. Send an email...


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