4 job seeker problems that can hinder career success and how to handle them

Job seekers face a number of problems that can affect their motivation and job search success. From losing focus to the inability to plan one’s career to not knowing what jobs to apply to, the problems are many.

These problems can have a life long impact on one’s career. Therefore it’s important to address them early.

Problem 1: Not knowing what job to apply to.

A lot of people, especially fresh graduates, don’t know what jobs to apply to and end up taking the wrong jobs. Usually the job seeker takes whatever job comes their way. This results in lower job satisfaction. It can also affect future career advancement and income potential. Solution: Plan your career and know what your long term career goals are. What type of work do you like to do? Are you a people person or do you prefer to work alone behind a computer or technical equipment? What companies do you aspire to work at? What type of jobs do you wish to have in 10 years? Answering questions such as these will help you understand your long term career goals and give you an idea of the types of jobs and companies to apply to. Our Career Planning Guide can help. Click the link to get it free.

Check out our article on how to choose the right career path so you can reach your full potential.

Problem 2: Losing focus.

Loss of focus is usually caused by disorganization and time management issues. Improving time management, setting priorities, and keeping your goals in sight can help. Schedule a number of tasks related to job search daily and ensure to get them done. This will help keep you on track and make you feel accomplished, something that is needed for motivation. Examples of tasks include searching for job vacancies and sending in job applications. Looking for and applying to one or two jobs a day is usually enough. You don’t need to apply to 100s of jobs to be successful in your job search. In fact, studies show that applying to fewer jobs can increase your chances of finding a job.

Problem 3: Losing motivation.

Loss of motivation is usually not the problem in itself. Rather it is a symptom of the problem. Usually, loss of motivation results from some other issue such as repeated rejections or a cramped schedule. Addressing the underlying issue can help. If your schedule is packed, make a plan for job search. For example, you may set an hour in the evening or a few hours over the weekend for job hunting. Alternatively, if you are using public transport, you might use your commute time to look for job vacancies.

On the other hand, if the problem is caused by repeated rejections, you will need to know what the reason for the rejections are. Are you applying for the wrong jobs? For example, if you are a fresher, you may need to apply for trainee or junior job positions rather than those requiring some experience. Is your resume ineffective or outdated? Or are you applying with a generic resume when a specialized one will be more effective? In that case, you will need to revise and optimize your resume and make it relevant to the jobs you are applying for. Our Career Rebranding & Resume Optimization service can help. Are your interview skills causing you to miss on job opportunities? Practicing interview skills and improving your interview responses will help. Our Mock Interview Sessions can help you practice and improve your interview giving skills.

Problem 4: Loss of confidence.

Loss of confidence can impact one’s resolve to apply for jobs or go for an interview. You may find yourself applying for jobs requiring lower qualifications or hesitate to go for interviews or even hesitate to apply to a job at all. This is usually caused by low confidence. Confidence levels may fall if one is out of work for some time or has no work experience. Brushing up one’s skills through an internship, a trainee job, volunteer work, or a professional course can help. Alternatively, attending career events or professional development programs such as those offered by professional organizations can help you stay in touch with your profession and improve self-confidence. Simply communicating with professionals from your industry can help improve self-confidence and enable you to see yourself in the correct professional image.

Use the above tips to handle job seeker problems so you can achieve the career success you deserve.

Written by Kokab Rahman.

Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.

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