Radeya Global

Job Search Tips for Mid-Life Career Change

Mid-life career change is an important phase. Many people go through it. It is also a challenging and stressful experience.

There are several ways you may find yourself looking for a new job in your mid-life. Some people work at a job for years and then suddenly get laid off, forcing them to look for new employment. Other people decide they are unhappy with their current job  and would like a different career path. Still others retire early and then see that the retiree life isn’t for them or not compatible with their financial situation.

A lot of people find it difficult to get back into the workforce. The job search process seems difficult and skills and job requirements may have changed. You may find your set of skills outdated. Your resume may have literally gathered up dust lying at the back of your desk.


Here are a few things you can do to change the situation in your favor so you can find your dream job fast.

1. Identify the advancements that have been made in your chosen career line and in the work world in general. What new skills are required by employers? What new equipment or software might you need to use? Will you have to get professional training or will self-study be enough to upgrade your skill-level?

If there are professional certifications in your field, consider getting them. Studies show certified professionals are more likely to be hired.

2. Take out your resume and revise it. If you are looking for a job in a new career line, create a new resume with your relevant skills and experiences. Be sure to include information about the latest training and skills upgrades you have gotten, whether formal or self-study.

If you are unable to optimize your resume yourself, speak to a professional career and resume specialist. Think of it as a small investment in your career that will pay off sooner rather than later. Especially if you have applied to many jobs and have not received a reply should you have your resume reviewed and rewritten by an expert resume optimization specialist. Check out Radeya Global Career Rebranding & Resume Optimization service that has helped numerous people get jobs at reputed local and multinational companies.

3. The next step is to have an organized job search plan. Here quality matters more than quantity. Instead of sending out hundreds of job applications, apply to a few carefully selected jobs that are in line with your qualifications and career goals. Research each vacancy and company well. Optimize your job application for the position so that the HR manager can know you are the right fit for job.

Radeya Global job search support and guidance can help you optimize your job search.

4. And while you are searching for a job, work on your interview skills. Practice how you will respond to possible interview questions. Review common interview questions for your job field and the companies you are applying for. Watch interview advice videos and rehearse in front of the mirror or with a friend.

Preparing and practicing answers to interview questions, especially difficult ones, can help you succeed in the interview. You don’t want to be caught off guard in an interview and instead be prepared for all possible questions.

A portfolio can help in your job search by conveying your skills more effectively. Click here for Radeya Global Professional Portfolio Preparation Service.

5. When all the work is done and you have landed a job interview, be well prepared to make the best impression. Find out in advance where the interview will take place and how to get there so you can be on time.

Dress professionally and take everything you will need, including copies of your resume, portfolio, samples of your work and any documents the interviewer might want to see. Arrive early at the place of interview so you can have time to relax and are not rushing or out of breath. It is impossible to speak when one is trying to catch their breath!

Finally, when you are starting the interview, remember that you have prepared well and have the qualifications and skills for the job. Respond to every interview question with self-assurance and confidence.

Good luck in your job search.


Written by Kokab Rahman.

Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.

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Stuck in your career? Radeya Global can help. Our services have empowered numerous job seekers to get the job of their dreams. Learn more. Check out our testimonials. Email contact@radeya.biz or schedule a strategy call at https://www.calendly.com/kokab/discovery-call




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