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Job search tips for the unemployed

Here is what to do to increase job opportunities despite being unemployed

Having a gap on your resume is scary.

Being out of work for a long time can negatively affect job search.

Not using skills can make you forget them, and employers ​​might wonder if you still have what it takes to do the job.

Since jobs are constantly evolving and skills needed to do the same job, changing, it is highly likely that the skills you had some time ago are no longer adequate, especially with nonstop technological advances and businesses becoming global and virtual.

Everyday new technologies enter the work place, making previously learned skills obsolete.

This can be a matter of concern for employers since employers don’t want to take risks on an inefficient employee.

In addition, employers might wonder if unemployment is a signal that a person isn’t dedicated to their career, that the career might not be a priority for them.

All this can definitely affect the effectiveness of job search.

However, there are things you can do to undo the effects of an employment gap.

You don’t need to have a regular job to show that you have remained attached to your profession, are serious about your career, and have the necessary skills.

Here is what you can do to counter the effects of unemployment on your job search:

1. Stay up to date about industry News and changes in your profession. This not only increases confidence but will give you content to talk about on interviews and make an impression on potential interviewers.
2. Keep skills updated regularly. This is especially important if you have been out of work a few years as skills required can change fast and older skills become obsolete.
3. Find out about a software that is being used by your contemporaries – in your profession or a related profession – and take a course to learn it. Include the information in your CV / resume.
4. Take a course in some program or software related to your job that can help you do your work better.
5. Get professional training / certification. If you are studying to get certification, include that information in your resumé.
6. Provide freelance work on regular basis, paid or free. Include the information in your CV / resume. By showing that you have stayed in touch with your profession despite being unemployed, you increase your chances of getting a job.​
7. Do volunteer work, even if unrelated to your main profession. A lot of jobs have skills that are related, especially soft or people skills.
8. Have a portfolio of recent work accomplishments, self-initiated projects related to your job, and any coursework you have done to show your abilities.
9. Learn about a job one level above you and upgrade your skills to qualify for it. Then see if you can get a job in that area.

Provide all the relevant information on your resume to cover for the employment gap. If the first part of your resume is about recent work or trainings done and skills learned, you’ll make a positive impression on recruiters and employers.

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