Radeya Global

How to plan your career as a fresh graduate

The time near graduation is an exciting one. You've made a major accomplishment completing school and graduating. The doors to a satisfying career are in front of you. You are finally ready for the real world.  To make the best of this important time and prepare for a lifetime of...

Time Management for Remote Workers

Remote / hybrid work is the norm. Studies show that “hybrid work has increased significantly, en route to becoming the most prevalent work arrangement in most offices. This means that approximately 40% of remote-capable employees have shifted from working entirely on-site to either a hybrid or exclusively remote work arrangement”...

3 leadership skills you need for greater success

Business leaders need to be good at a number of different skills, leadership skills being one of them. In fact leadership skills may be the most important. “Leadership skills are essential because they enable individuals to motivate, inspire, and guide others toward achieving a common goal,” says the European Business...

Tips to go from being an employee to starting your own business after a career shock

A lot changed in the past few years in the business and employment world: Layoffs and total business shutdowns; lockdowns and social distancing restrictions; supply chain problems from climate change and unpredictable political situations; forced early retirements; and more. Some people decided not to return to the office and instead...


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