Most people graduate from college not ready for work. They don’t know what jobs are right for them or what their most important skills are. They might take the first job that comes their way and continue this every time they need a new job, allowing random job search results...
Does a cover letter improve your chances of getting a job?
Trying to get the attention of recruiters? A cover letter can make the task easier. Cover letters are an introduction to the resume / CV . They tell the hiring manager which resumes are worth looking at. Hiring managers might go through the cover letter quickly and decide whether to...
3 Common mistakes job seekers make that cost them a job
Job seekers work hard to find jobs that are right for their skills and goals. But then comes the actual application process. During this stage, job seekers make a number of mistakes that cause them to lose the opportunity. 3 common mistakes are made by job seekers are Not highlighting...
How to use your portfolio to increase job search success
A portfolio gives future employers an indication of your abilities. It lets them know what type of work they can expect from you. Many people overlook the portfolio and don’t include it in their job application. This is a major mistake. A portfolio can make the difference between getting an...
3 Signs you are ready for a career change
As the years pass in your work-life, your skills and abilities change. Some changes come with experience and getting expertise and familiarity in your work. Other changes come through on the job training and taking courses and training programs. Additional changes come through a growing mindset. These changes create the...
Using LinkedIn to Increase Job Opportunities
Do you know how to correctly use LinkedIn to connect with employers and find amazing job opportunities? LinkedIn is a great resource for connecting with potential employers and finding jobs. However, most people are not using LinkedIn correctly, missing out on a lot of potential. In fact, for most people,...
3 things you can do today to revive your job search
Job searching can sometimes lead to dead ends. Possibly you applied to hundreds of jobs and received no response to your job applications. Maybe you took some interviews but didn't get a job offer. Reviving job search is possible even when you seem to have exhausted all your options. However,...
Online job fairs open new opportunities for job seekers
Online job fairs can help you find job opportunities from the comfort of your home. "An online job fair, also known as a virtual job fair or electronic job fair, is an online version of a traditional job fair. They allow employers and job seekers to meet and discuss employment...
What kind of employees do bosses look for?
What kind of employees are bosses looking for, especially during the current pandemic / lockdown phase? Many people lost their jobs during the pandemic and are looking for new jobs. This gives rise to the need for standing out from others even more as you struggle to secure a job...
Skills you need to stand out from other job seekers while job searching during a pandemic
During the current pandemic, it became obvious that being able to quickly manage a crisis situation is vital to an organization’s existence. Employees who had skills that enabled them to perform well despite a pandemic or lockdown had increased job security. The ability to respond quickly to a crisis situation...