Radeya Global

3 things you can do today to revive your job search

Job searching can sometimes lead to dead ends. Possibly you applied to hundreds of jobs and received no response to your job applications. Maybe you took some interviews but didn’t get a job offer.

Reviving job search is possible even when you seem to have exhausted all your options.

However, taking the same path as before will only lead to the same results.

For this reason, you need to do things differently when you restart the job hunting process.

Here are 3 things you can do to refresh your job hunt:
1. Research high demand skills in the industry or even the world in general. What skills are in high demand that you have or can acquire and what jobs match them? Use this information to find and apply for new jobs that interest you or take a different approach when applying for old jobs by highlighting high demand skills the employer needs.

2. Apply for certification. Getting registered at a professional body helps show your seriousness for your career. Professional association will also increase your network and help you connect with people who might be able to refer you to new job opportunities. What’s more, the new knowledge gained from attending trainings and professional events can give you ideas for interview responses.

3. Streamline your interview skills. One of the reasons job search gets stagnant is because of a job candidate’s inability to convey their ideas in interviews. Usually this is because the job seeker doesn’t not having a clear idea of their skills, abilities, goals, or the industry. Taking interview practice sessions can help you identify topics to talk about and get insight into your skills.



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