Being out of work for a long time can negatively affect your job search. Employers might wonder if you still have the skills needed to do the job. Since jobs are constantly evolving and skills needed to do the same job changing, it is highly likely that
New Job Opportunities at Target (USA)
Do you have leadership skills and want to work in retail? These jobs at Target may be for you: Target is one of the largest retail corporations in USA, with branches and business globally, including online stores. It is one of S&P 500 companies. Target employs 350,000 workers. The company...
Do you know the two type of job seekers?
Do you know the two type of job seekers? Which one are you? There are two types of job seekers that are most common. In fact, most job seekers fall into one of these two types. The one type is the casual job seeker. S/he’s laid back and relaxed, without...
Are you looking for a job or a career?
Confused about the two? Many people are. But this should clear the air. A job is short term. It’s main goal is to pay the bills. A career is lifelong. It’s result is long term job and financial security. When you have a career, you are not dependent on...
Have this skill and watch your career grow
What is the most important skill for employees? Self motivation and taking responsibility The ability and drive to identify areas for improvement in your job or organization and taking the initiative to make it happen. No manager wants to micromanage or tell you how to do your job. They might...
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words, So Is Your Portfolio
A well-designed portfolio makes your job application stand out, giving you the edge you need over other job seekers to get an interview. A portfolio shows your abilities and expertise in picture form. A picture is worth a thousand words and you can say more with your portfolio than any other document....
Hate your job? You’re not alone…
Don’t be stuck with a job you don’t like. Did you know that most people are underpaid and not fully utilizing their skills. The result is dissatisfaction with one’s career. You may hate your job for any of the following reasons: ⛔️ You don’t like the type...
How to approach job search
Decide what job you want. Set goals. Take inventory of relevant skills. Search for jobs. Apply.
You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember
You’ve been stuck in that awful job for as long as you can remember. You know you can get better but just don’t know how. Every job search attempt turns into a frustrated failure. Heck, you don’t even know what job to apply to. How is this affecting your life?...
The Simple 3-Step Process to Getting a Job
Most people approach job search wrong. Applying for the job is the last step in your job search process (pre-interview stage). A lot of people consider it the first. Which is why people fail to make the impression required. So, if you want to get a job, you need to...