Are you under constant stress because you have a lot to do and can’t get things done? Increased responsibilities combined with increasing distractions can make achieving goals more difficult. It comes down to time management. Studies show that globally, many people struggle with time management. Time management is the process...
How to Protect Your Career Future In the Face of Recent Advances in AI
Have you heard of recent advances in artificial intelligence? Chat GPT and similar technology systems are impacting the employment environment and making some jobs obsolete. According to various sources, 50% to 80% of jobs are at risk. This includes not only manual and repetitive task jobs but also tasks that...
Ways to Make Your Job More Enjoyable
No one said jobs had to be boring. People spend one-third of their time at work. That’s more time spent at work than any other activity, except for maybe sleep. The last thing a person needs is for one-third of their life to be boring and full of stress. Of...
Importance of an Ideal Home and Work Environment for Personal Wellbeing
An ideal home and work environment are vital for career success. Both your home background and work environment affect stress and wellbeing. In order to correctly focus on your work and have optimal productivity, it is important that neither is negative. Because your career future, opportunities for advancement, and income...
How to look for a job if your expertise covers a wide area
Does your expertise cover a wide area? Do you have multiple skills and are qualified to do different jobs? It’s normal to have multiple skills. You may be an excellent remote team leader while also having consulting skills, employee training and supervision skills, and be a field engineer all at...
The Secret to Finding Your Niche As An Entrepreneur
Niching down is important. It gives your target audience a quick way to know what you do, how you can help them. Experts say the most important thing for startup success is identifying a niche. Niche builds trust. It lets people know you are an expert in some field and...
How to Use Chat GPT to Your Advantage
Chat GPT has taken the world by storm. What is Chat GPT: Chat GPT is an AI platform where you enter prompts telling it to do something and it does it for you. For example, you might enter the prompt “create article on failure of education.” Or “compile lists of...
A Career Plan Can Help You Get A Promotion
Knowing what job you want and having an advance career plan can help you get a promotion. Promotions are highly beneficial to your career. One reason is that it allows you to get a higher level job without having to go through the job search process. Another benefit is the...
What makes a resume stand out
You are applying for a new job and you start wondering this question: what will make your resume stand out? You know you have to compete with many other job applicants. Job search is a competition. Some applicants will be more experienced or better qualified than you. How do you...