Radeya Global

Tips to start your own business after a career shock

Tips to go from being an employee to starting your own business after a career shock

A lot changed in the past few years in the business and employment world: Layoffs and total business shutdowns; lockdowns and social distancing restrictions; supply chain problems from climate change and unpredictable political situations; forced early retirements; and more. Some people decided not to return to the office and instead work full time from home. Others resigned during the great resignation and pursued other projects, like becoming a digital nomad and traveling the world or living a van life. Still others were forced to retire early and then “un-retire” for various reasons, from boredom to financial issues.

If you saw a shift in your career that seems very unpredictable, you aren’t alone. From hybrid work environments to quiet quitting to over-employment trends, news about ups and downs in employment are all over the place.

Taking Control After a Career Shock

A career shock is defined as “a disruptive and extraordinary event that is, at least to some degree, caused by factors outside the focal individual’s control and that triggers a deliberate thought process concerning one’s career” (Emerald Publishing).

While most of us understand just how elusive a “perfect” career really is, it’s still easy to feel discouraged if your career doesn’t go as expected. If you are recovering from a recent career shock due to the unpredictable post pandemic work environment, starting your own business can represent a new chapter in your life as well as a change of pace. Here are some tips from Radeya Global to get you started!

Getting Back in the Game

When your situation takes an unexpected turn, it’s only natural to be depressed and defeated for a while. While there’s nothing wrong with feeling these emotions, don’t allow them to keep you out of commission for too long. A moderate amount of grief is healthy, but there’s work to do, especially if you’re starting your own company.
When you are ready to jump back in, you’ll need to decide what field you’ll be entering. Skills you’ve developed at past jobs as well as through hobbies and special interests can usually be monetized. Be sure to choose a field that plays to your strengths and involves very few of your weaknesses. For example, an experienced machinist may be able to open up a small shop of their own and take local orders.
Before you take any official steps for this project, you should construct a solid business plan. This document will serve as a blueprint as you build, and should include how much funding your startup will require, what goods or services you’ll be providing, the demographics you’re catering to, and how your staff is organized. A well-constructed plan will eliminate the guesswork that can hinder first-time entrepreneurs.

Securing Support

Your business plan is also vital for attracting investors. Independent speculators and financial institutions alike want to see that your idea has a high chance of success before they risk any money on your word. Providing them with comprehensive documentation of your viable plan will put their minds at ease and loosen their purse strings.
A little market research goes a long way, so look into what’s in demand in your region. If nobody in the area wants what you plan to sell, your business may not be successful. Knowing the demographics you’re likely to sell to will also provide insights into who you should be marketing to and how. Generally, different age groups and cultures respond to different forms of advertising. 

Addressing Your Mental Health

If you feel unable to move past your career shock, you may need to do more than grieve. There’s no longer much shame associated with getting professional help, as therapy has thankfully become destigmatized over the last few years. Despite popular belief, therapy can benefit everyone, not just those who are mentally ill. Having a deeper understanding of your mental state will allow you to move past your perceived failures.
Beyond therapy, look for simpler, smaller ways you can make a positive impact on your mental health. For example, if your house or office is cluttered, it may be causing your stress and anxiety levels to spike. So, set aside a little time to get things organized, decluttered, and cleaned. This way, you can focus on the things that truly matter most without worrying about all that chaos complicating your plans.
It’s natural to feel defeated when your career doesn’t go as expected, and the fact that most startups fail can make any venture feel doomed. Taking charge of your mental health and starting your own company shows perseverance in the face of adversity.
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Written by By Katie Conroy


Katie Conroy is the creator of AdviceMine.com. She enjoys writing about lifestyle topics and created AdviceMine to share advice she has learned through experience, education, and research. She can be reached at katie@advicemine.com or via her website.


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