Radeya Global

The one thing job seekers are doing wrong when applying for work

Job search is about impressing the hiring manager.

It is about having your job application stand out from other job seekers applying for the same job.

As a job seeker, you should do whatever makes your employment application stand out, convey your potential, and impress the recruiter.

It’s important to innovate. And not many people are, which is a big mistake.

It is not the sixties anymore. The world has come far with the digital age. It’s incorrect to stick with only a black and white text resume that is boring to read and doesn’t portray the ideas you want with 100% accuracy.

There are many alternatives, from graphics to videos, that you can use.

Especially in a time when much of the hiring is done remotely due to the global pandemic and you need to be able to convey information as accurately as possible without an in-person meeting.

Mistakes job seekers are making when applying for work
Think out of the box and make your job application different.

No hiring manager is going to complain about a job application that wins them over, however different or unordinary it is.

Are you innovating in your job search?

Comment below what out-of-the-box technique you used (or will use) and how it helped you land a job quickly.

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