Getting laid off is scary. As Artificial Intelligence takes over jobs, and companies downsize or outsource, the possibility of getting laid off is high. Especially with remote working becoming the norm, some companies may prefer to hire freelancers in other countries to save on payroll expenses. Losing one’s job can...
How to use an internal job change to achieve career goals
A job promotion can be your door to a more challenging and higher paying job without the stress of the job search process. Imagine getting the job of your dreams without the effort and stress of job hunting. If you’ve been working in the same job position for several years,...
Strategies to Find A Job Fast
It’s important to be organized. This is true in job search as well. Having the right job hunting strategy can help you find employment more quickly. On the other hand, not using an organized job search strategy can create unnecessary delays. Step one is to determine exactly what job you...
3 Keys to Choosing Your Ideal Career Path
Whether you are just starting your career or have some years experience, you may be overwhelmed with the career options out there. Like most people having multiple interests, you may wonder how to choose the best career path for you.Here are a few pointers that will help you traverse these...
Importance of Planning a Secure Future Early in Life
Planning a secure financial future is one of life’s most important tasks. Unfortunately, it’s something many people don’t learn until too late in life. The result is many disliked financial situations including not being able to maintain one’s standard of living, difficulty in paying for expenses, health problems due to...
How to plan a successful retirement
How to plan your retirement so you don’t have to depend on anyone else when you are out of work. Some companies, especially governmental or public companies, provide formal retirement pension to workers who completed a certain number of years with them. Other companies give workers an end of service...
Job versus career infographic
The differences between a job and a career
Post-Covid19 Career Planning
You may have been thrown off track with the disruptions caused by Covid 19. Possibly you lost your job or were furloughed. Or you may have had to work from home while having the possibility of losing your job permanently during the Coronavirus lockdown or after. During the past few...
Do you have the right combination of skills for optimal results?
Do you want to fly in your career? You can if you have the right combination of skills for your job. There are 2 types of skills: Soft skills (personal skills) are personal attributes and communication skills such as punctuality, money management, teamwork, and personal habits. Soft skills are internal...
Would you like to get a better job?
What separates the successful from the unsuccessful: ? Keep learning. ? Keep trying. ? Get expert help when they need it. Struggling in your career? Most people do, for one reason and one reason alone: They enter the job market unprepared. Without a plan on how to proceed. Without expert...