Radeya Global

Post-Covid19 Career Planning

You may have been thrown off track with the disruptions caused by Covid 19.

Possibly you lost your job or were furloughed.

Or you may have had to work from home while having the possibility of losing your job permanently during the Coronavirus lockdown or after.

During the past few months, you may have wondered how secure your job was and the possible consequences of becoming unemployed on your life, family, and career.

All of these may have made you rethink your career.

There are several scenarios you may be facing now as we head into the post-pandemic phase:

Should you continue your existing job?

What if another lockdown sets in? How will second wave of the pandemic affect your job security?

Would it be better to consider a different career path, different job, different  organization?

Would permanent remote working be a good option and what can you do to progress into this?

Would starting your own business or freelancing service be a better alternative to a regular job?

These are very valid questions and need consideration.

As the coronavirus has taught us, the current employment system as it is is not very reliable.

We’ve seen millions of people lose jobs overnight and many more on the brink of unemployment.

Even considerably stable organizations that could have supported workers through the pandemic for at least six months, especially with the government aid, chose instead to lay off workers, permanently or temporarily, in order to not pay salaries.

The fact that this was done early on and workers didn’t have more than a week’s notice was especially disturbing, which should make everyone realize how insecure employment is.

Some possibilities to make your future more secure are:

✅Continue working remotely for your boss while finding alternative remote freelancing work.

✅Continue your current job while preparing for an alternative job or career with an employer that offers higher compensation and job security.

✅Save a bigger portion of your salary for future ‘rainy days.’ You should have enough to last a year’s time.

✅If you are currently unemployed, use the government funding and unemployment compensation to buy you time to upgrade your skills and progress into a better career line.

✅Apply to better jobs with higher pay at prestigious organizations.
✅Start a side business.

Comment below how the pandemic employment situation affected you and what you are doing to prepare for future pandemic situations.

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