Radeya Global

9 skills to learn to make money online

9 Skills To Learn To Make Money Online

Everyone is talking about making money online but not everyone is equally successful at it. Here are 9 skills that can help you get a head start in the e-commerce world.

  1. Email automation – so you can automatically send information about your business or products and services to people who sign up as soon as they sign up without doing it manually, as well as communicate with them on an ongoing basis.
  2. Setting up professional effective landing pages – so you can send people from ads to this page where they sign up for information about your products or schedule a call. You can use a mailing service like Mailchimp to create these or DIY them yourself using web designing or drag and drop website building services.
  3. Online advertising on any one or more platform, such as Facebook ads, Google ads, etc. – to have your message reach thousands of people at once.
  4. Using one or more graphic designing apps (such as Canva) where you can create professional and high quality images / designs for your website, social media and especially for your ads.
  5. Copywriting – to create convincing ad text, captions, and content for your website / landing page that convert customers.
  6. Using e-commerce software / apps (such as Shopify, Mastermind.com, or others) – to create professional sales web pages which convey trust and reliability and which are able to process payments from customers.
  7. Customer targeting (ads targeting) – so you can target the people who want to and are able to buy the products or services you are selling at the prices you are selling.
  8. Brand storytelling – because facts tell and stories sell.
  9. Making connections and building relationships – often overlooked, this can be the factor that can make or break your success. Since people buy from those they trust, building relationships with your target audience can help the know, like, trust element.
  10. Bonus: Using scheduling apps such as Calendaly – so customers can auto schedule a meeting or call with you.
  11. Bonus: Using payment processing apps and software – so you can take payments from customers and process credit card payments through your website.

Disclaimer: the information presented is for informational purposes only and doesn’t imply you will make money or get rich by using the above information. Making money, whether online or in a brick and mortar business, requires financial investment as well as time and effort. There is no such thing as getting  rich quick or risk free wealth building.


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