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Want to make your home office space more appealing? Read this.

Tips to make your remote work space more pleasant in the post-pandemic era

There are many articles on how to make your remote working and remote collaboration more effective.

But something you may have missed is that your environment affects your productivity.

Since many employees had to spend much of their work time working from home during Covid19 and many employees considering working remotely at least some of the time even after the pandemic is over, it’s important to focus on this issue.

Your work space not only affects your productivity but also affects your motivation to work.

An unappealing or uncomfortable work space at home will reduce your desire to work and you will get less done.

You will find that you are dragging yourself to work, procrastinating, and when you finally get started on a task, you’ll do it half heartedly.

Some causes for this:

A combined space – work space that isn’t separate from other areas like the bedroom, kitchen, living room. Not having a separate work space will reduce your enthusiasm for work, because the line between work and life is blurred.

A space that is easily interrupted, such as in a hall way family members pass through often. The interruptions will reduce your work concentration.

A space with too much noise, such as close to the TV room.

A space that is cluttered with other items and is unattractive. An example is a spare bedroom where you throw everything unnecessary, a corner of which is turned into work space. Such a space will affect your enthusiasm for work.

Office decor ideasCorrect these home office space flaws and your productivity and mindset improve.

This is important because your boss will see through your halfhearted work and this could affect your work future, promotions and even your relationship with managers and colleagues.

A clean space increases the time you spend working.

Believe me, no one likes to work in a cluttered or untidy work space.

Having items that don’t belong in the home office area will affect your mindset and interest to work.

Plants make a space livelier.

Plants definitely help make a home office space more pleasant to work at.

Especially in lockdown when we’re at home most of the time and working from home too, a few plants in the home office space bring excitement and color to an otherwise bleak environment.

Go a step forward and add elements of success to your work space.

These include books, medals, office decor items, prized souvenirs, art pieces, and anything else that make you feel good.

Finally, having a pleasant exterior is always encouraged. While you may not be able to change your external environment currently, this should definitely be on your list of goals for the future in case you choose to move.

An environment with pleasant scenery (gardens, ocean, mountains, or even a tree lined cozy side street), less traffic noise, and more sounds of nature are desirable.

Make your home office space pleasant and watch your enthusiasm to work increase.

Radeya Global Talent Development provides career advice and personalized career services. For information, go to https://www.radeya.biz/career . Highly rated in Google.


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