Radeya Global

The one mistake on LinkedIn that is keeping from your dream job

Are you using LinkedIn right when applying for jobs?

Maximize your chances of getting a positive response when applying to jobs via LinkedIn, the biggest professional network, using these simple tweaks:

When you apply to work, your aim with the application is not to get the job but to open the way to communication.

Remember, there are thousands of others applying for the same job.

The hiring manager likely gets hundreds or thousands of applications.

How can you stand out?

1 – Use the job application personalization feature.

Yes, you can include a personalized application letter when applying for work on LinkedIn.

The personalized note is the one thing most likely to get read and can start the necessary communication.

This letter introduces you to the hiring manager.

It tells the hiring manager that, among the 50 other applications they received, they should consider yours.

It’s likely you can get a response, such as “call me on 1234567 at 9 am to discuss,” simply based on this application letter.

Your aim with the job application is to open the door of communication

2 – Mention what job you are applying for in your application letter:

“I am applying for x job at x company.”

This shows the hiring company you are applying for a particular job and not sending your application to every vacancy.

In addition, it reminds the hiring manager which job this is about. It’s likely they advertised more than one job and hiring managers are human. They can forget.

3 – Write what qualifies you for the job.

“I have x number number of years experience in [job title] position.”

4 – Write what relevant skills you have. 

“The following skills qualify me for the job: [skill, skill, skill].”

5 – Include achievements. Why are achievements the last thing on job seekers’ minds and the first thing recruiters / employers want to see? (“In my last job, I helped the company successfully enter 3 new geographic markets, resulting in revenues exceeding 4million USD.”)

6 – Indicate how the hiring manager may reach you. Make it easy for the hiring manager to communicate with you.

”To discuss further you may reach me through DM or call me at 111-222-3344. I am available 9-5 Saturday – Wednesday.”

7 – Finally, don’t make it too long. This letter should be like a note, maximum 5-6 sentences.

Incorporate these changes in your LinkedIn job application and watch the response rate increase.

Radeya Global Talent Development provides career advice and personalized career services. For information, go to https://www.radeya.biz/career .

Follow Radeya Global on Instagram: www.instagram.com/radeya_careers .

Follow Kokab Rahman on Instagram: www.instagram.com/classicdisplay .


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