Radeya Global

How to Ensure Your Skills Remain Up To Date

As the world moves forward technologically at a faster than ever before pace, professional skill development is becoming ever more important. Life-long professional development is necessity for both career satisfaction and job security. For job security, it is important to keep up with changing trends. This means ensuring skills, qualifications,...

How to choose the right career path to reach your full career potential

Every profession provides a number of job types you can do and multiple career paths. Options include hands-on practical work, sales, teaching, and research / analytical work. There are also different subdivisions or branches in each field such as mechanical engineering and chemical engineering or financial accounting and management accounting,...

A new hybrid work environment is evolving post pandemic

Did you know that over 4 million people resigned from work every month since September 2021? More than 38 million people resigned from work in 2021, a record rate. What does that mean? Greater demand for qualified and skilled professionals. New job opportunities as companies seek to fill job openings...

What to Do If Artificial Intelligence is Taking Over Your Job

Are you at risk of artificial intelligence taking over your job? Artificial intelligence, bots, robotics, they seem to be everywhere. Indeed, many jobs are being threatened by AI. From delivery workers, to virtual assistants and customer service representatives, to cashiers and clerical workers, financial advisers, and more, AI is replacing...

Why you need a college education to be successful in your business or career

With information all around and easily available, is college still necessary? This is a question on many people’s minds. You might hear that a college education has no benefit and only results in high student loans. And since a lot of companies and successful businesspeople no longer require a college...

3 things you can do today to revive your job search

Job searching can sometimes lead to dead ends. Possibly you applied to hundreds of jobs and received no response to your job applications. Maybe you took some interviews but didn't get a job offer. Reviving job search is possible even when you seem to have exhausted all your options. However,...

Struggling in your career? This is why…

Career Development: The steps you take today determine where you will be five, ten, twenty years from now. Most people graduate from college not ready for the work world. They don’t know what jobs are best for them or how to plan their careers for maximum benefit. They take the...


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