Radeya Global

How to plan your day for success

Do you schedule your day with a to-do list or hour-by-our plan?

Whichever schedule you use, the important thing is to plan your day.

Fail to plan equals planning to fail.

A plan guides you to reach your goals in a systematic manner.

You are aware of what you need to do and can hold yourself accountable at the day’s end.

Here is how to have a successful plan:

1. Decide your goal. Example: get new job.

2. Decide the date you want to achieve it. Example: Have job offer letter in 3 months.

3. Decide the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. Example: Identify ideal career line, find suitable jobs, update CV, apply to jobs, go on interview, get offer letter.

4. Set daily goals. Example: find and apply to 3 jobs.

5. Hold yourself accountable. Example: Did I achieve daily goal? Did I achieve weekly goals? Am I on track to reach my 3 month goal?

6. Make adjustments and changes to ensure you are on track to level up your life.

If you see your plan isn’t working and you aren’t able to achieve your goals, analyze the situation. What needs to happen to help you achieve your goal? What is stopping you from reaching your goal?

Breaking down bigger steps into smaller, more manageable ones may help not only achieve them but also identify important stepping stones.

You can use a list or hourly plan.

Which type are you?

Some people need to time block their day, allocating set hours for each task.

Others need only a plain to-do list.

Experiment with the different time management methods and choose the one that gives you best results.

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