Radeya Global

Here is how to reach maximum efficiency during the current pandemic

For maximum productivity, prioritizing work is necessary.

Especially during the current pandemic situation, as more and more time is spent working from home, prioritizing is needed in order to be efficient and stress free.

It’s important to prioritize not only professional work, but also among the different types of activities that need to be done daily, such as work, house errands, family time, and self-time.

This is because, when working from home, there are no demarcations between home and office.

No one is there to tell you to do this or that.

Scheduling and discipline are something you have to consciously do on your own.

It’s not efficient to grab the easiest or most pleasant task. You need to prioritize what’s important or urgent. Otherwise, you will have a growing list of undone work and mounting stress.

3 things that will help you prioritize effectively:
1. Make lists of important/urgent tasks. And get them done first.
2. Set certain hours to tackle certain types of tasks (house chores, office work, family, personal).
3. Take a break to relax and only do necessary tasks that come to mind.

Radeya Global Talent Development provides career advice and personalized career services. For information, go to https://www.radeya.biz/career .

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