Did you know that over 4 million people resigned from work every month since September 2021? More than 38 million people resigned from work in 2021, a record rate. What does that mean? Greater demand for qualified and skilled professionals. New job opportunities as companies seek to fill job openings...
New Year Career Planning Cheat Sheet
Plan your career progress with the following cheat sheet: 1. What career goal do you want to achieve in 2022? Get a promotion or new job Upgrade skill level by learning new skills Get professional certification or degree Get a raise / increase income level 2. What steps do you...
Why it’s necessary to have a well thought out career plan
Most people graduate from college not ready for work. They don’t know what jobs are right for them or what their most important skills are. They might take the first job that comes their way and continue this every time they need a new job, allowing random job search results...
3 Signs you are ready for a career change
As the years pass in your work-life, your skills and abilities change. Some changes come with experience and getting expertise and familiarity in your work. Other changes come through on the job training and taking courses and training programs. Additional changes come through a growing mindset. These changes create the...
It’s not your fault you are unprepared for the job market
Struggling in job search? It’s not your fault. In fact, the school system doesn’t prepare you for the work world. It’s a well known fact that a degree doesn’t guarantee employment. 43% of college graduates are underemployed in their first job and most continue to remain underemployed for many more...
Midlife career change advice: It’s never too late to change careers
Midlife career change advice: It’s never too late to change careers Are you in your midlife and considering changing careers? Are you thinking it’s too late or that you might be unsuccessful and the move will backfire. Don’t. It’s never too late to change careers. Regardless, there are some things...
Struggling in your career? This is why…
Career Development: The steps you take today determine where you will be five, ten, twenty years from now. Most people graduate from college not ready for the work world. They don’t know what jobs are best for them or how to plan their careers for maximum benefit. They take the...
Do you have the right combination of skills for optimal results?
Do you want to fly in your career? You can if you have the right combination of skills for your job. There are 2 types of skills: Soft skills (personal skills) are personal attributes and communication skills such as punctuality, money management, teamwork, and personal habits. Soft skills are internal...
Convey your skills correctly to get the job you want
There are two types of skills. Soft skills (personal skills) are personal attributes and communication skills such as teamwork and cooperation, money management, punctuality, organization, and personal habits. Soft skills are internal and affect the quality of your work and how you interact with co-workers. Hard skills (technical skills) refer...