Radeya Global

Convey your skills correctly to get the job you want

There are two types of skills.

Soft skills (personal skills) are personal attributes and communication skills such as teamwork and cooperation, money management, punctuality, organization, and personal habits. Soft skills are internal and affect the quality of your work and how you interact with co-workers.

Hard skills (technical skills) refer to knowledge and expertise you need to do your job. Hard skills include the ability to use software and equipment, academic knowledge such as science and engineering, and medical and legal knowledge.

Hard skills can be learned on the job, in college, or through specialized training programs.

Soft skills can be learned or acquired through various programs as well as from family and environment.

Different jobs require different combinations of the varying skills. 

For example, in some jobs you will require more people skills while not so much technical skills. In other jobs, your work might be mostly with numbers or computers and you won’t require as much people skills.

Determine what skills of each type are required for your job and ensure you not only have them but are able to convey your level of proficiency to employers so you can get the job and compensation package you deserve.

Get help with your career. Complete the form at 

https://kokab1.typeform.com/to/sRPrF8 for a personalized plan.


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