Radeya Global

How to Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Career

LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking platform. You can meet all sort of professionals on LinkedIn: recruiters and headhunters, business owners (potential employers), experienced professionals, industry leaders, job seekers, you name it.

LinkedIn is a great place to advance your career and increase your chances of getting your dream job. In our guidebook “Using LinkedIn to Get the Job You Want Without Going through Frustrating Job Search,” we’ve listed a number of ways you can use Linkedin to your advantage. Here are a few:

  1. Connect with potential employers.
  2. Join groups in your industry or those related to your professional expertise. For example, if the company you want to work at has a LinkedIn group, join it.
  3. Share career related content with your contacts / group through the LinkedIn post and article features. You might share career achievements, ideas and thoughts about topics related to your profession, your findings about a relevant topic, and even personal news that shows your personality.
  4. Share your insight on important topics by commenting on other people’s posts.
  5. If you feel up to the challenge, start a LinkedIn newsletter!

By putting your content in front of industry leaders and decision makers, you can differentiate yourself from the large pool of job seekers and make a positive impact on your career. After all, a large percentage of jobs (some studies say up-to 85%) are found through networking. And if you use LinkedIn right, your next job may be through your LinkedIn network.

Get our free guide “Using LinkedIn to Get the Job You Want Without Going through Frustrating Job Search” by subscribing to our newsletter.


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