Radeya Global

why you need data skills to get ahead in job search

What are data skills and why you need them to get ahead in your career

Data skills refer to the ability to extract, analyze and understand data.

Learn to Code With Me defines data analysis as, “Data analysis involves sorting through massive amounts of unstructured information and deriving key insights from it. These insights are enormously valuable for decision-making at companies of all sizes.”

No longer are data skills a requirement for tech professionals alone. Rather, in the current highly technical and automated age where AI is infiltrating every area in a business, all employees need to be able to obtain, understand and use data. Business leaders and employees agree that data skills are essential to be able to effectively use the vast amounts of data organizations produce.

Being proficient with data skills gives you an edge over other people, thus impacting areas such as job search, job growth and security, and income potential.

Monster article the Top Data Skills You Need to Get Hired says, “When you can demonstrate the ability to analyze data and make informed recommendations to your employer, you become an indispensable part of your team no matter what type of work you’re doing.”

As the world becomes more automated and AI systems increasingly widespread, data proficiency is a skill everyone will benefit from.

Below are some of the items in this skill to learn. Learning the different components of data skills one by one and gradually will help you become acquainted with this skill without being overwhelmed.

  • Excel
  • Data visualization
  • Presentation
  • SQL
  • Web Analytics
  • Customer Analytics
  • Data security
  • Programming languages
  • Research
  • Critical thinking

why you need data skills to get ahead in job searchRead the following to learn more about data skills:

The top data skills you need to get hired https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/top-data-skills-0617

7 Must-Have Skills For Data Analysts https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/data-analyst-skills/

Need help in your job search or career development? Email info@radeya.biz today to learn how we can help you.

Written by Kokab Rahman.
Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.
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