Radeya Global

Traveling to Dubai for Job Search

As the economy in Dubai springs back to life, you may be wondering if it is the right time to travel to Dubai for job search.

Here’s why it’s not.

First of all, Covid19 is not completely over. There are fears of a second wave – possibly much worse wave – of Covid19 coming up.

Even today, there were 638 new cases of coronavirus in the United Arab Emirates.

Traveling and getting stuck in a foreign place with no way to return – in case of another lockdown – will put you at risk for many problems.

The second reason the current time is not good for job hunting travel to Dubai is that we’re at the start of the summer.

The climate in Dubai, UAE, & GCC countries is very hot during this time. Temperatures exceed 40 degrees Celsius during daytime and it tends to be hot and humid day and night.

This will put you in undue difficulty, reduce your job search efficiency, as well as increase your travel costs (transportation and air conditioning expenses will increase). You should not travel to a place in circumstances that make you continuously think of the day you leave.

7 things to do instead. (You are making a big change. Might as well do it right.)

☑️Plan a winter trip instead. The months from November to end of February tend to be coolest. In addition, the situation with Covid19 should have stabilized by then.

☑️Research the Dubai (UAE) job market and prepare for it.

☑️Learn about Dubai cost of living and range of salaries for your job and skill level and determine what minimum salary you need to make the change (at least AED 10K). Then don’t change your decision at any cost.

☑️Update your resumé/CV and cover letters and include information about your planned winter trip. (“Will be available for interview in Dubai from December onwards.)

☑️Determine the exact job you prefer and create a specialized CV and cover letter to use, to increase your chances of getting the right job. Include your minimum salary amount. If a company doesn’t want to pay a humane salary, it isn’t worth working at.

☑️Find vacancies online on company websites and apply to them from your home country, offering a Skype / Zoom / phone interview.

☑️ See if any skills will help increase your compensation level and upgrade your skills.

Comment below if these tips helped in your job search decision making.

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