You are applying for a new job and you start wondering this question: what will make your resume stand out? You know you have to compete with many other job applicants. Job search is a competition. Some applicants will be more experienced or better qualified than you. How do you...
The number 1 thing you need to make your resumé stand out
What makes a resumé stand out, you ask. From our experience with the thousands of resumés and cover letters we receive, it is the cover letter, not the resumé, that makes one job applicant more impressive than another. This is because, to get to the resumé, the hiring manager needs...
Tips to improve your job search
Make your CV stand out from others. Here’s how: ? Convey important information fast. ? Don’t clutter the CV with too much information. ? Use a professional design that has plenty of spaces between lines, paragraphs, sections. ? Focus on your latest job description the most. ? Match your skills...