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How to Make a CV


The first thing to do when you want to make your CV is to decide on the format. Choose a simple format. Not something too fancy. The format you choose should be appropriate for the place and profession. Some professions require a creative CV format (such as graphics designers’ and Web designers’ CVs) while for others, simpler formats are the right choice. (You can change the format later if you need to use a different one.)

Whatever format you choose, the information you enter should be in a clear and easy to grasp manner. Your CV shouldn’t be cluttered with too much information. All important details should be highlighted and clearly legible.
After you’ve chosen a CV format, decide on the job you’re applying for and find a job ad to tailor your CV to. Then enter relevant details into your CV showing how you qualify for the job, what skills and experience you have, and most important, what achievements you’ve made in previous jobs. If you’ve had major achievements or awards, make sure to highlight them.

Your CV should have details about your education and career training, certification, work experience, skills, and anything else required for the job (such as information about computer software you may have to use on the job).
Finally add personal details as required by your location. This includes contact details and other information such as languages you know and interests. What you include depend on what’s preferable for your location. You may add a photo to your CV if it’s required for the job you’re applying for. Additional items you might want to add to your CV include a link to your LinkedIn profile and online portfolio displaying your work.

Once done, review your CV to make sure there are no grammatical or factual errors and to ensure that the information is portrayed in an easy to grasp manner. Try to limit your CV to two pages, deleting extra details if required. The briefer your CV, the better. You don’t have to include every detail about your career history. Including only enough information to show that you’re qualified for the job you are applying for is the right way.

©Radeya Career Services. Written by Kokab Rahman
Need to have a professionally made CV? We can help. For detail, see http://www.radeya.biz/resume-writing.html
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