Radeya Global

How to have a fulfilled life and reach your goals

Four areas you need to focus on for a fulfilled life

There are four areas in your life that you need to focus on:



Relationships & Family


For a fulfilled life, all these areas are important and need to be in balance (as stated by the experts, including Tia Lopez and Dan Lok).

Most people just focus on one or two (such as giving 100% of one’s effort to wealth goals). This leads to an unfulfilled life, often with harmful effects, such as having an unhappy family life, losing precious time with family, becoming unhealthy, or losing one’s spirituality / peace of mind.

For this reason, all these four areas need to be focused on.

However, not at the same level of effort.

For example, you don’t need to give 25% of your time to each.

There is often one area that’s vital for success in all the areas.

As Dan Lok states, there is one area, that if you achieve your goal in it, it affects all other areas in your life.

This is because, it’s likely you tried something in your life that’s important to you, and when you didn’t achieve it, it affected you at a subconscious level.

And as long as you don’t achieve your goal in this area, you feel at a subconscious level that you can’t succeed in anything.

As an example, you may have tried to lose weight but were unsuccessful.

Later, you keep failing at relationships and other areas due to mindset blocks (you think you are unworthy, etc.)

Succeeding in your goals in that area will give you the subconscious feeling of control and success you need to get a grip over other areas in your life.

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