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Do you know the two type of job seekers?

Do you know the two type of job seekers? Which one are you?

There are two types of job seekers that are most common.

In fact, most job seekers fall into one of these two types.

The one type is the casual job seeker. S/he’s laid back and relaxed, without a care in the world. It may be that s/he doesn’t have an intense need for a job, possibly because they are satisfied with their current job, though an average one that barely pays the bills, or relying on parents for funds, or having another source of income that covers basic needs.

This type of job seeker applies to a job here and there, maybe once a month or when someone tells him of an opening.

Months pass by but s/he isn’t able to find work.

They may not be very happy with their current job status but aren’t too committed to putting in the effort though knowing deep down that they are not living up to their own standards.The other type of job seeker is the desperate seeker.

This type of job seeker is in urgent need of a job whenever they are looking for a job. The reason is likely a lack of preplanning.

They apply to some 50 jobs daily, choosing every job that comes their way, without giving much thought to the job description.

They’ll apply to jobs they don’t qualify for, jobs in other industries, and jobs way beyond their experience level.

They simply don’t read the job description so how can they know what job they are applying to.

This type of job seeker is really the job applying machine considering the number of jobs they blindly apply to on every job board and website they can find

The desperate job seeker is also unsuccessful in getting a job.

Months may go by but they won’t find a job despite applying every day.

Because of their carelessness, they might allow incorrect information to pass through their cover letters which causes the application to be sent to the trash folder without their credentials being looked at.

As an example, they might include the name of the same hiring manager in ten job applications because they’re blindly copying and pasting and don’t realize their mistake.

The result is losing opportunities.

Both these types of job seekers are unsuccessful in their job search and end up living average lives.

Their work is not in line with their skills and they are usually unfulfilled.

The issue is they don’t want to put in the right effort to achieve their goals. It may be that they don’t believe in themselves, but that doesn’t help them either.

Job Search requires effort. Which means you need to be involved with the process, carefully assessing each job opportunity, deciding whether it is right for you, and then carefully submitting your application.

It means looking for new jobs almost every day and applying at least once a week.

It means not applying to jobs blindly but actually going over the job description and thinking it through.

It means putting in the time to research the job and company because this shows in your application, which affects your results.

Do your job hunting the right way and watch yourself get not only a job but 2x, 3x your last salary.

*|FNAME|* need help with your job application or CV?

Don’t suffer alone. Help is a few clicks away. Simply click here to get a top notch resumé and cover letter that helps you get the job you deserve.


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