Radeya Global

#1 mistake job seekers make

Your CV is not just a compilation of all the work you have done. It is a reflection of your career profile, a summarization of important detail from your career, focusing on items that lead you to your career goals.

Just as there are many roads that lead to one destination and many destinations on a map to choose from, so does your career profile focus on one path and particular goal, among many.

Having a clearly defined path helps you achieve maximum benefit from your career.

What is your career destination?
What path will you follow to get there?
What skills, experiences, and potential will you focus on?

By identifying a promising career path and high demand skills, you can know your career potential and focus on those items that benefit your career the most. You can achieve maximum benefit from your career in terms of job satisfaction, career progress, salary, and recognition of your skills.

Once your profile is optimized, your CV can be prepared to have the right effect and help you get the job that fulfills you the most.


How to make yourself stand out as an employee – and get ahead of the competition 

? Always over deliver (in your job), take the extra step to do what’s necessary for the benefit of the organization over and above your set out job duties.

? See the organization as your own, not just something that gives you a paycheck.

? Strive for improving your department / organization environment. Look for chances of improvement. You should be a force that propels the organization toward excellence.

? Have qualitative and quantitative achievements to your credit.

? Be a loyal employee. Work for the organization interest instead of self interest.

? Ensure your achievements are clearly conveyed, whether through word of mouth, your resumé and job application, what you say in an interview, organization communication,  media, social media, or a portfolio.

When you are seen as an employee the organization can count on, not only will you not be ghosted, but you will be headhunted as well.

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