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Get ahead of other job seekers with thank you letters

80% of hiring managers consider thank you letters when hiring people

Not getting the job despite a positive interview?

Writing a simple brief thank you letter after the interview can make the difference.

Studies show that 80% of hiring managers consider thank you letters when making their final hiring decision and 20% of recruiters and hiring managers will automatically dismiss a job candidate if they don’t get a thank you letter. In some companies, only those people get hired who send a thank you letter!

This means there’s a good chance you can lose a job opportunity simply because you didn’t send a thank you letter!

Since most job seekers don’t send thank you letters after an interview, you can get ahead of others applying for the same job simply by sending a thank you letter after the interview.

Indeed, a thank you letter is another opportunity for you to make a good impression and let the hiring manager know why you are the right candidate.

Tips to have an effective thank you letter:

☑️ Send your thank you letter within 24 hours of the interview.

☑️ Include a clear email subject line, such as “Thank you for the interview yesterday,” or “Thank you, interviewer’s name,” or even just “Thank you!”

☑️ Express your appreciation in a professional manner. Here is an example:

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and talk about the position of [job title] with [company name] yesterday. It was a pleasure to learn more about your plans for [something discussed in the interview].

☑️ Show your interest in joining the company.

☑️ Refer to something mentioned in the interview and give an example of how you solved a similar issue in a previous role.

☑️ Show how your experience or skills can help with upcoming projects.

☑️ Include your phone number and email address after your signature.

☑️ Include links to your social media, LinkedIn, or portfolio if it will help (but don’t include too many links).

☑️ Personalize. Send a personalized thank you letter to each interviewer. Don’t copy and paste. Also ensure the information contained is correct. You don’t want to miss a chance because you included the wrong company’s name.

☑️ In the final paragraph, include a reminder of the deadline, as discussed in the interview.

Have you written thank you letters? Will you include them in your job search strategy after this? Respond in comments below.


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