Radeya Global

Taking regular breaks from work is good for you.


Regular breaks from work improve productivity as well as well-being:
When you take a break, you not only boost your energy and are able to get more done in less time, but also improve the quality of your work, have better health, and can enjoy a stress-free and more joyous life! And those are just some of the benefits. Think of a break as an investment in your productivity and well-being.

The same goes for annual holiday breaks. So don’t neglect annual holidays either.

​Thus, when working:

  • Take regular breaks.
  • Don’t force yourself to work when you are tired.
  • Take short breaks often, every 40 minutes or so.
  • Even closing your eyes for a few minutes is enough to refresh you.
  • Remember that taking breaks and being stress-free is not only necessary for your work but also for your health and happiness and for the happiness of your loved ones as well.

​What are some ways you can spend your break time at work? Snacks? Taking a breath of fresh air? Chatting with a colleague? Engaging in sports? How do you spend your break time?

Radeya Careers ~Guiding you to a more fulfilling life. For details about our personalized services, email services@radeya.biz Follow us on Facebook.

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