Radeya Global

Four skills employers are looking for in 2020

Are you wondering what skills will get you ahead in your career in 2020?
Worry not, because the answer is closer than you think.

Our career and recruitment expert did a thorough search and identified the following trends in the skills that employers want for their workers as we go into 2020, and the reasons why these skills are popular.

Technical advancement: Cloud computing, app building, AI, voice technology and more. Technical changes are taking place in the business world. Small to large businesses will need to incorporate these into their business strategies if they want to stay ahead of the competition. Being skilled in any of these technical areas will give you an edge over the competition and increase chances of being hired.

Virtual Collaboration: As more and more communication goes online, the ability to communicate and collaborate virtually becomes highly important. You’ll need to not only be able to use text but video collaboration methods, file sharing, cloud technology and apps and software versions made for virtual teamwork.

Video Technology: Video is quickly taking the place of text as we see increasing use of video such as Facebook live, YouTube, and IG TV. Being skilled in video technology and video editing will increase your worth, especially in the social media / marketing field.

Adaptability: In the Information Age, things change fast. So much progress has been achieved in such a short time. We’ve gone from smartphones to online shopping to cloud technology to AI to blockchain and so much more. In this stage, the ability to foresee changes and stay up to date with them is important for a business in order to continually evolve, take advantage of opportunities, and avoid dying out. If you are adaptable, stay up to date with trends, and keep your knowledge always updated, you’ll get an edge over the competition.

These are the four major skills areas that we found are in demand and will make you a sought after job candidate in 2020 and beyond.


Get Radeya Global Founder’s Handbook of Remote Work Opportunities ebook from Amazon. Click here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07T93RG1R 



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