Radeya Global

Job Search Tips for Mid-Life Career Change

Mid-life career change is an important phase. Many people go through it. It is also a challenging and stressful experience. There are several ways you may find yourself looking for a new job in your mid-life. Some people work at a job for years and then suddenly get laid off,...

Interview Taking Tips for Job Seekers

Going for a job interview? Then it's vital to be able to describe your work. Many people enter job interviews without having a clear idea on what they are going to say. When asked open ended questions, they get stuck or start talking incoherently. A common interview questions is “tell...

Fresh Graduates, Finding Your First Job is Not as Hard as It Seems!

Are you a fresh graduate / college student looking for your first job or internship opportunity? Finding your first job may seem daunting. You may be nervous about your first interviews and wonder how to make a good impression and how to communicate your skills to recruiters. Career and job...


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