Radeya Global

How to achieve your goals

Radeya Global Founder’s Message on How to Achieve Goals

Many people struggle with achieving goals and staying motivated.

Actually it’s not that hard.

There are two things you need to achieve goals.

Radeya Global Founder’s Message on How to Achieve Goals
Radeya Global Founder Kokab Rahman talks about the two things you need to achieve goals

There are two things you need to achieve goals.

  1. Determination
  2. Constant (regular) reminder

Write your goals where you will see them everyday (such as your annual planner / diary) and you’ll be well on your way.

~Kokab Rahman
Radeya Global Founder
Radeya Global is among top HR companies in Turkiyetop consulting companies in Turkiye

Written by Kokab Rahman.
Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.
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