“All of the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle. —Anonymous
Positive affirmations can make a world of difference in your life.
Negativity is widespread and we get reminded of it every day.
– Prices go up,
– Bills to pay,
– An argument with a friend or coworker,
– Looming work deadlines,
– An angry boss,
– Unpleasant weather,
– A traffic jam,
– A failed goal.
All these and more can put a person in a negative state of mind, and they usually do.
It’s no wonder people focus more on the negative than the positive in their lives. Negative situations are louder and grab attention faster.
A negative state of mind affects self worth. It eats at a person’s willpower and confidence. It affects what you notice and how you perform.
Negativity is bad for the health because it can increase stress and illness. In addition, because the mind is so caught up on the negative, a negative mindset can make a person miss out on opportunities.
Because negativity is so loud, positive affirmations and gratitude journaling are vital to combat the effects of the negative.
You need to regularly remind yourself of the positive, of your self worth, of your abilities and progress using positive affirmations, so that the negative doesn’t affect you and you can level up and move forward, in life, in your career, in business.
You can do this by
1. Listening to positive affirmations,
2. Reading positive affirmations or have an app send you positive notifications,
3. Writing things you are grateful for in your gratitude journal daily,
4. Being in a positive environment / staying away from negative people,
5. Having a daily routine of self care and fitness (look & dress for success),
6. Prayers,
7. Relaxing, being in a natural environment such as a park or garden.
By consciously focusing on the positive, you can keep the effect on the negative at a minimum.
Comment below your favorite motivational quote.