Radeya Global

Tips for Making Your Job Search More Efficient

Dear Job Seeker,

Have you gotten tired of job hunting that doesn’t reap positive results?

Sometimes you want to give up. You have sent out a million job applications, so to speak, but with no results. You feel exasperated. Your work seems useless. What do you do?

The first step is to stop and take a look at your resources. Analyze your job application, resume, cover letter, personal statement, portfolio, etc. Assess your job search strategies. Are you applying for the right jobs? Are you qualified to do the jobs you are applying for? Do you fulfill the requirements 100%?  Are you applying in the right manner? Is sending out 50 or 100 CVs in a day the right thing to do or would a more focused approach yield better results?

Focusing on quality instead of quantity is always a better strategy. Applying to just one or two well-researched jobs with a carefully structured job application may seem insufficient but will produce positive results more quickly than sending out hundreds of applications in a hit or miss approach. In addition, you will have the energy to organize your job hunt in a manner that yields better results.

©Radeya Global

Radeya provides career consultation, CV writing, and CV distribution service. For details about our services, see http://www.radeya.biz. Subscribe to Professional News & Updates newsletter for informative articles and job search tips.

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