Radeya Global

The #1 Skill You Need For Career Success

Do you want to be a sought-after employee?

Self motivation and taking responsibility will get you there.

The ability and drive to identify areas for improvement in your job or organization and taking the initiative to make it happen.

These are skills employers seek in employees.

No manager wants to micromanage or tell you how to do your job.

They might say “we are planning x, y, and z,” or “we need x,y, and z.”

The self-starter employee gets right to work, assesses the task’s needs, and delivers results.

Those without motivation do nothing, or just their minimum duties.

Which type of employee do you expect will be rewarded the most? You guessed it.

Highly engaged employees tend to have greater job security. When other employees are being laid off, engaged employees are the last to let go.

These are employees who see the organization as part of themselves.

Such workers are sought after and headhunted by other companies.

Become known for your reliability and you will be able to get any job with little effort.

Great performance pays off in the long term. And you will get known for your skills if you overdeliver.

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#careerchange #careerdevelopment #employeeengagement #selfmotivation #highachiever #radeyaglobal #kokabrahman

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