Do you have leadership skills and want to work in retail?
These jobs at Target may be for you:
Target is one of the largest retail corporations in USA, with branches and business globally, including online stores. It is one of S&P 500 companies.
Target employs 350,000 workers.
The company provides its workers various employee benefits including life events support, education assistance, family leave, insurance coverage, and holiday & well-being time. It assists employee professional development through various programs including leadership development and coaching and mentoring.
Target won Best Company Work-Life Balance Award in 2018 and 2019.
It has commendable corporate responsibility plans for 2020 and beyond.
Open vacancies:
• Retail Store Manager (USA)
• Assistant Retail Manager (USA)
To apply to these jobs, email your CV and relevant cover letter to: Michele.schaaf@target.com
Find other vacancies at: www.target.com/careers