Radeya Global

How to Convey Professionalism When Applying for a Job

Looking for a job? You may wonder what the best attitude to portray is. In this article, we talk about the right and wrong attitudes in job search and how to ensure you are portraying the correct job search attitude.

Desperation has no place in job hunting!

It is natural to feel desperation when looking for work. Especially if you’ve been searching for jobs unsuccessfully for some time or have bills coming due, you can start to feel desperate.

Unfortunately, desperation won’t help you in your job search.  Rather, it can lower your chances  of getting hired. Although people in general want to be helpful, employers have to think of their organization first. Thus, they may be put off by desperate job seekers. Furthermore, since employers get a ton of job applications, they are likely to give preference to those showing more professionalism.

Desperation, can thus create a viscous circle: that is, job seekers becoming desperate due to joblessness and desperation keeping them jobless. For this reason, it is essential not to show desperation in your communication with employers.

There is hope

As a job seeker, you need to make sure that your job search efforts don’t appear desperate. At the same time, you need to seek out other means to change your situation. There are resources available that can help take off some of the pressure while giving you time to look for work, such as free job training programs and government resources for job seekers.

Take advantage of Radeya Global resources for job seekers including our free cover letter template and interview tips. Click here or go to https://radeya.biz/resources/. 

Corporate philanthropy, government / social welfare programs, and nonprofit organizations make available free career training / skill building programs, apprenticeship opportunities, and resume building and job search assistance programs to help those in most need get back on their feet.  You may also be able to find government financial assistance for job seekers (such as job seekers’ allowance), so make sure you find such programs and use them to your advantage while actively searching for a job. And don’t forget to give back to the community you live in through volunteer efforts and assisting other job seekers.

Two words to keep in mind when job hunting: professionalism and confidence

When job hunting, it is important to convey professionalism and confidence in your communications with prospective employers. This is true whether you are communicating in-person, over the phone, or through a written job application. Your cover letter should especially portray these positive qualities.

Confidence can go a long way in helping you get the job you desire. Confidence shows you are sure of your job skills. If you are unsure about your skills, how can the employer trust you have them? Furthermore, people tend to like those who are confident.

Acknowledge your worth to build confidence

Build confidence by knowing your worth. What are your skills? What are your unique abilities and strengths? What qualifications have you acquired, through learning and experience? Make a list of them and note how they qualify you for your dream job. Go over this list regularly and especially when applying for a job or going for an interview.

Another thing that can help you get confidence is learning about the salary level for your qualifications and experience level. When you have knowledge about the job market and salary levels, you can speak about them with greater confidence. These factors can help you in your job search both by strengthening your position and by enabling you to make the right career decisions.

Use the above tips to help you portray the correct attitude when job searching so you can obtain the job you deserve with favorable conditions.

Written by Kokab Rahman.

Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.

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