Radeya Global

Accounting for Small Business – The Key to Small Business Growth & Profitability

New book from Radeya Global Founder Kokab Rahman: Accounting for Small Business  - The Key to Small Business Growth & Profitability Small businesses make up more than 90% of businesses globally. Studies show small businesses are the number one source of new jobs. Globally over 300 million new businesses are...

3 leadership skills you need for greater success

Business leaders need to be good at a number of different skills, leadership skills being one of them. In fact leadership skills may be the most important. “Leadership skills are essential because they enable individuals to motivate, inspire, and guide others toward achieving a common goal,” says the European Business...

Why it’s important to have a positive mindset

Mindset is everything.   Mindset affects how you do anything, how you approach obstacles, and how you deal with positive and negative situations.   It’s important to have a positive mindset. When you have a positive mindset, you’re able to identify opportunities and solutions. In addition, you are likely to...

How to Protect Your Career Future In the Face of Recent Advances in AI

Have you heard of recent advances in artificial intelligence? Chat GPT and similar technology systems are impacting the employment environment and making some jobs obsolete. According to various sources, 50% to 80% of jobs are at risk. This includes not only manual and repetitive task jobs but also tasks that...

CEO Skills You Need to Effectively Run Your Business

Most business owners / entrepreneurs start their businesses as experts in some field. That is, they are a technical or product expert with a product or service that they offer to the public and thus the business is born.**But this does not mean these business owners have the skills essential...

Budgets – why you need them and different types of budgets

Most people run a business like someone moving around in the dark. They neither look at and analyze past business records, nor plan for the future. The result is an inefficient business that rarely progresses into anything meaningful. So what can you do? Using a budget makes a big difference...


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