Radeya Global

Don’t Fall Prey to Loan Sharks

Warning: Don't fall prey to loan sharks! Loan sharks are entities that charge very high interest rates but often tell you a small percentage rate, hiding the fact that the stated rate is a monthly interest rate and not the yearly rate. The annual interest rate is obtained by multiplying the...

The Importance of Professional Business Etiquette

The Importance of Professional Business Etiquette One thing I’ve noticed is that majority of employees don’t interact with clients / customers in a professional manner. This has a very bad impression on customers and makes it seem like one isn’t dealing with professional businesspersons but laypersons! This is true whether...

How to assess the competency of job applicants

Having trouble knowing whether an applicant is qualified for the job he/she is applying for? Below are some guidelines you can use: You should have a standard to which you can compare job applicants. One method might be to make a checklist of the attributes the employee should have and...

A Few Tips to Make Your Job Search More Efficient

-Identify the job industry you want to work at - tech, health care, media, etc. -find companies in your chosen industry -go to the company website career section and look for jobs appropriate for your skill level (experienced professional, fresh grad,  internship) -register and fill out the online application form...

Job Search Tips

So you've found yourself unemployed, looking for work. Here are tips to help you succeed in your jobsearch and find a job fast. The first thing to do is to make sure your resume and cover letter are well-written.  Have a professional draft them for you if you can't do...

Professional Development is Important for Job Security

Professional development is necessary not only for personal satisfaction but also for job security. Everyday new opportunities arise for developing and enhancing one’s skills, the importance of which can not be overstated. To ensure job security, it’s important to keep up with changing trends and ensure that one’s skills, qualifications,...


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