Radeya Global

Holiday Time Management

Holidays are a great time to refresh and get your work life balance back. Winter holidays provide a few weeks before the start of the new year when the hustle restarts. It is important to manage the holiday time carefully so this important time isn’t wasted on unnecessary activities. This is because leisure activities, too, can tire a person and cause them to burnout. Too much of any activity, whether it is work, partying, shopping, or watching TV, can be tiring.

For this reason, it is important to actively manage your winter holiday time. Plan the activities you will engage in, setting out how much time will be spent on any activity. Set time for different types of activities, and include a few hours or whole days for relaxation time. Relaxation time should be periods where you take a break from everything, resting and doing nothing (not even watching TV). During relaxation time, you can take a nap, meditate, or have a spa / massage session.

This way, you can be mindful of and enjoy the holiday break, and not tire yourself out.

Written by Kokab Rahman.

Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.

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