Radeya Global

Tips for optimizing your LinkedIn profile

Are you struggling to find work and having no success with LinkedIn? There is hope.
Here I give you the number 1 secret to optimizing your LinkedIn profile and make your profile effective.
LinkedIn is a forum type platform and offers plenty of opportunities to communicate with potential hirers.
The important thing is to make sure the main points about you are visible to decision makers even before they’ve viewed your profile, specifically your job title and that you are looking for work.
Why is this important?
Only a few people will click on your profile.
You have to get them to want to know more about you and to know you are open to job offers before they click on your profile.

Only a few people will click go to your profile page. You have to get them to want to know more about you and to know you are open to job offers before they click on your profile. Here I show you how you can do that.

So those who are looking for exactly the skills you offer are able to see the information quickly.
The way to do this is by adding these items to your headline.
Just having your job title or only the words “seeking new opportunity” doesn’t help because the first doesn’t tell recruiters you are available for hiring and the second doesn’t tell them whether you can fill a particular vacancy they have.
By adding your job title + seeking opportunity you give the main points to anyone who sees your message, comments, or post.
This way, if any recruiter has a vacancy that matches your qualifications, then they can easily know and contact you without having to go to your profile.
Note that only a small number of people you interact with check the profile.
I would even add city, state / country in parentheses after “looking for new opportunity” to make the information even more clear.
So your Profile should have the following:
Name: Your Name
Headline: Job title – seeking new opportunity (City, State or country)
For example:
Alex Smith
Business Development Manager – seeking new opportunity (Dubai, UAE)
You might even want to add ex+company name such as:
Alex Smith
Business Development Manager, ex-ARAMCO – seeking new opportunity (Dubai, UAE)
Compare this with the following two alternatives people are currently using:
Alex Smith
Business Development Manager
This doesn’t tell people you are available for hiring.
Alex Smith
Seeking new opportunity
These don’t tell people what position you can fill so the right employer / recruiter can’t find you.
Should you also optimize your bio and work history? Of course you should.
But having the right information in your headline is the first step.
Otherwise, all else is mostly wasted since most people will never look at your profile page.
Comment below if you found these tips helpful.
Kokab Rahman
Founder & CEO of Radeya Global Talent Development
We have a track record of clients getting jobs at esteemed multinational organizations, 100% customer satisfaction rate, and are highly rated in Google.
See our testimonials at https://www.radeya.biz/portfolio

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